Surrogate model

美 [ˈsɜːrəɡət ˈmɑːdl]英 [ˈsʌrəɡət ˈmɒdl]
  • 网络代理模型;替代模型
Surrogate modelSurrogate model
  1. Automotive Crash Safety Simulation Design Optimization Research Using Surrogate Model Method


  2. Simulation optimization based on surrogate model and genetic algorithm


  3. Based on surrogate model , GA is applied to search optimal solution .


  4. Research on improved EGO algorithm based on Kriging surrogate model


  5. Optimization Methods Based on Kriging Surrogate Model and Their Application in Injection Molding


  6. Adaptive sequential optimization algorithm based on Kriging surrogate model


  7. Therefore , it is necessary to use surrogate model to simplify the process of optimization design .


  8. Optimization for the Crashworthiness of Thin-walled Member Based on Surrogate Model


  9. Optimization of preform of high-speed multi-stage forging based on surrogate model methodology


  10. Developing a Kriging surrogate model based numerical method to solve the inverse fractional viscoelastic problems .


  11. Design Optimization of Variable Binder Force in Sheet Metal Forming based on the Surrogate Model Guiding Sample


  12. Surrogate model is a key element of the multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) .


  13. Cooling turbine blade Multidisciplinary design optimization Coupling aerodynamic-thermal analysis Surrogate model Multi-objective ;


  14. The reliability analysis for the wall frame of the forging manipulator based on the surrogate model is carried out .


  15. This article presents a two-step optimization based on a surrogate model for the aerodynamic shape optimization in a viscous flow .


  16. The surrogate-based two-level optimization is developed by use of the surrogate model in the two-level optimization .


  17. The groundwater surrogate model can approximate numerical simulation model in function , it can be directly called in the iterative process of optimization model .


  18. The paper proposes a strategy of piecewise modeling in time domain for constructing Kriging surrogate model due to the temporal correlations .


  19. Surrogate model technique is required forgetting the best cooling effect in order to achieve the best shape and location of the additional fins .


  20. A surrogate model is created with experiment design methods and approximation approaches , and it can be easily integrated into a MDO Framework .


  21. This article expatiated on the main idea and content of MDO , and discussed the MDO tactic and surrogate model technic in detail .


  22. The established Kriging surrogate model is used as the solution model of direct problem and an improved Ant colony algorithm is employed as the solution model of inverse problem .


  23. The principal component decomposition is combined with the Kriging model to construct a surrogate model for predicting vibro-acoustic response in the frequency band of interest .


  24. For a complicated system , we usually approxi-mate it by a meta-model , and build a simple surrogate model for the meta-model after simulating the system .


  25. Experiments show that the proposed method is of higher precision and higher speed of convergence compared with methods based on polynomial surrogate model and simulation . ( 4 ) A demonstration study is conducted .


  26. The basic method and process of the shape-sizing optimization using a surrogate model are given . The validity and reliability of the above method and process are verified by two typical numerical examples .


  27. Choose an appropriate sampling method combining simulation model to obtain the input ( pumping capacity ) - Output ( drawdown ) sample data sets , is the basic premise to establish surrogate model .


  28. At the same time , based on the Kriging surrogate model , the calculation workload is decreased , and the nonlinear of the reliability calculation is reduced , so the convergence is improved .


  29. Based on a thorough analysis of the mathematical mechanism , characteristics and applicability of the Kriging surrogate model , we propose an optimization algorithm of SoS based on Kriging surrogate model and uniform design .


  30. According to the features of interval-based optimization problem , this paper tries to deal with the trade-off between computational efficiency and validity of optimal result by using surrogate model technique under the effective model management framework .
